Thursday, April 7, 2011

The world through rose colored glasses

I love when I go to upload my pictures to my computer and I find some hidden "treasures" mixed in with the pictures that I have taken. Jett loves to sneak my camera and go on treasure hunts. The pictures always make me laugh, and even though I have to erase a lot of them (like Rex going to the bathroom or Asher's bum) I love to see what he finds picture worthy.
These are a few of the latest...
 Oh to have the perspective of a child. Not only does life get a lot more exciting (who doesn't find giving your brother bunny ears behind his back exciting) but it is a lot more optimistic. Jett truly enjoys life to the fullest. He finds good in everyone. Maybe if I could be more Jett like I too would get so excited to go to the zoo that I would turn cartwheels while bystanders look on.