In January we took the boys on a hike to Usery Pass. It was a short 2 mile hike but the boys loved it. The weather was perfect and Ryan loved playing with our new camera. We have loved being near mountains again and loved it even more when we saw Nebraska's weather report. Sorry Nebraska friends but this is one of the reasons we LOVE Arizona winters!
Asher was loving his "hike". Thanks Dad.
In February we went to Saguaro lake on a picnic. We watched birds went on a hike and climbed trees. Our new home is only about 15 minutes from the lake. The second reason we love AZ winters..... we love having picnics in February.
Ryan's Grandparents are some of our favorite people. They are huge card game players and have been known to stay up past midnight if the game is right. They have taught us a lot of our favorite card games like Gitchimigoo and Mormon bridge. They live in Eastland Utah but come to Mesa in the winters. This is our favorite thing about AZ winters!
We have gotten a lot of "park time" in this winter. In fact at least 2 days a week after school the boys and I head to the park to play with some of our favorite friends. Being at the park and our new friends are another reason to love AZ!
Jett making his Daddy proud.
#5 reason that we love AZ is we love that we are closer to family.
Ryan, Rex and Jett got to go to the drag races with their cousin Luke and his dad.

Even though we have loved our winter this year we all still miss our great Nebraska friends! We won't ever forget all of you and all of our great Nebraska winters. We love you all.