Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Rexy Poo!

Six years ago this week Rex was born in a small town in Russia. He was only 3 pounds 7 ounces but was a true fighter (he still is). Because of the unselfish acts of a young girl we were able to adopt him and make him a part of our eternal family. I often think of that young girl and I have a great love for her and I am grateful for the choice that she made. What would we do without our sweet boy?
From the first time we saw you Dad and I have been in love. You were so happy and smiley, how could we not. We knew from the first time we met you that you were meant to be in our family. What a joy you have been ever since. We love you so much Rex. We love all of the special letters you make us, we love how much you take care of and love Asher, we love that you are a good example of reverence for your younger brothers. You put a smile on our face every day. Thank you for being our little "Roger".

1st birthday2nd Birthday3rd Birthday4th Birthday5th Birthday6 years old

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving with the Brown’s

For Thanksgiving this year we thought we would start a new family tradition. It turns out we are not the only ones with this tradition! We had quite the turn out. Funny I thought it would be an intimate little gathering:) I guess Walt's house was the place to be. We were glad we could make it. There were a few things missing....we missed you Jori, Adam, Trevor, Elizabeth, Tuff, Lauren & Katie!